Future Leaders is an ATG exclusive program that seeks to clarify, develop and meet your future business leader needs. We use the very same tools used by Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Together, both sides enhance the talent pool of an organization and promote the value of your college.
HOW IT WORKS: By offering students the same assessment and development benefits available to businesses, we allow them the opportunity to maximize their career potential. For our business partners, that means talent development and filling in the gaps in your workforce with candidates groomed to fit your exact need.
We screen candidates, identify which students are prepared to enter the workforce now, and which need additional development – but we do more than that. We help identify targeted areas for each student’s development according to their desired career path. Then we offer spot-on development suggestions, thus allowing them the to opportunity to maximize their career potential.
To understand how your students can best support your community’s workforce needs, you first need to know the positions that are in demand. Here’s our proven four-step process.
1. Profile the Opportunities
It starts with what jobs the business leaders in the community see as vital to their growth. The school invites subject matter experts from the top employers to come together, and under our guidance, a concrete model profile is developed against which the students can be measured.
2. Identify the Gaps
Once the student matches up with the model, they can see where they need to focus their personal development. Students know exactly what is needed to succeed in the profiled job.
3. Development Begins
With the profile to fill, students have a clear path to take to develop the hard skills and the soft skills they’ll need. Working together, the student, instructors and supervisors are able to create an individualized plan that hits the target.
4. Assessing the Outcomes
We touch base to reassess the levels of growth and match progress with the job profile, enabling the college to document the student learning outcomes and for regional accreditation.