Improve Employee Performance, Reduce Turnover and Enhance Morale
Organizational Consultant
You can engage ATG on a consulting basis working with our organizational consultant. We offer consulting in four specific need sets:
1. High level positions – we use our Leadership score card to source and select best fits at the executive and middle management levels.
2. Custom-built sourcing models and scores are developed to fit your unique needs.
3. Entry level positions also use our sourcing and selecting with a different set of tests and scorecards.
4. A high-volume tracking modules is used in this consultancy role.
ATG Consulting services are dedicated to enhancing workplace performance through the application of science to employee selection and development. Our team is led by recognized Ph.D.-level authorities in industrial/organizational psychology.
Our employee-selection consulting services start with a thorough understanding of your organization and its needs then proceeds to analysis through a computerized database built on more than twenty years of research. Comprehensive job descriptions are created, followed by exhaustive individual assessments that take advantage of our proven scientific approach to matching candidates with jobs.
In addition to employee-selection services, we provide consulting in executive assessment, coaching, succession planning, team building and overall human-resource strategies. Recognizing the unique nature of every industry and every organization, we fully customize our services to the specific needs of each client.